Issue Background
While recognizing the importance of predictive maintenance in maintenance management,
PoC implementation started after receiving proposal for CAST sensor
Implementation period: 6 months
Implementation details: Installation on difficult-to-test materials, cast iron pipes, and elbows
Real-time measurement results every hour
Creating an environment where information can be checked online
① Flange section: 2 locations ② Pipe bend section: 1 location
■ Sensor installation location

■ Expectations for implementation
Aiming to achieve predictive maintenance by introducing a wall thinning monitoring system
By monitoring and visualizing the progression of thinning, pipe replacement timing can be planned.
Reduce downtime due to equipment shutdowns
Prevention of environmental accidents and deterioration of the working environment
For inquiries regarding the pipe thinning monitoring system, please click here
CAST aims to monitor piping corrosion "anytime, anywhere" at manufacturing sites, reducing the burden of inspections in dangerous factories, preventing accidents, and extending the lifespan of equipment.
If you are interested in our pipe thinning monitoring system or our products, please feel free to contact us.